Weight Loss Testimonies

Weight Loss Testimonies

Does the Roger Raglin Diet Plan really work? We let our RR Strong Family Members speak for themselves. Here are some encouraging testimonies of how Roger Raglin's Diet Plan has changed peoples lives. Enjoy and be Inspired!

Weight Loss Testimonies
  • Lance Burnett, Oklahoma

    Lance has lost 95 pounds so far on the Roger Raglin Diet Plan and he is not done yet. He also lost the need for taking blood pressure and diabetes medication. That's a whole lot of losing weight for the right reasons! Congratulations Lance....stay RR Strong and God Bless!

  • Tim Turner, Missouri

    Tim made the Roger Raglin Diet Plan commitment and hasn't varied an inch, except on his waist line. He watches all the videos, drinks lots of water, sticks to the shopping list and takes it one day at a time. The result, a new Tim Turner! Keep up the good work Tim and stay RR Strong!

  • Robert Culp, California

    Robert loves to hunt, but his weight was getting in the way. Something had to change and the Roger Raglin Diet Plan was the answer. In a few short months Robert lost over 80 pounds and is a new man! Keep hunting Robert, we are proud of you!

  • Steve Kotzur, Texas

    Friends helping each other is the theme of Steve's testimony.

  • Richard and Debbie Kemper

    Richard and Debbie used the Roger Raglin Diet Plan to change their lives. They lost 145 pounds collectively and no longer need medications. They are both RR Strong...we couldn't be happier for them!

  • Chef Johnny Stewart, Texas

    As a Professional Chef, Johnny Stewart is around food all day long. Despite the day by day temptations, he stays RR Strong and has lost over 105 pounds and isn't finished yet!

  • Devin Hawley, Washington

    My Devin, your before and after photo is amazing. Folks, excuses and procrastination is the dark side trying to keep you from your true potential. Make the Roger Raglin Diet Plan a priority in your life today! Don't let another day pass you by. In a few short months you will be a different person...

  • Danny White, Tennessee

    Danny is experiencing the blessings of living RR Strong. No meds, maintaining his weigh, and giving back to his brothers and sisters still making the Roger Raglin Diet Plan journey through our Roger Raglin Weight Loss Face Book Page and Channel Forums. We are all in this together and if we help ...

  • Debbie Dusart, Wisconsin

    Debbie's experience with dieting is a lot like the ones we all have had....lose a little - regain a lot! Buying new and BIGGER clothes every year is not a fun experience. She put an end to it with the Roger Raglin Diet Plan losing 69 pounds in 4 months. Now Debbie is "Skinny" and enjoying life a...

  • Brenda Egleston, New York

    By the looks of Brenda's before and after photos, she had a pretty good time on the Roger Raglin Diet Plan. She loved the videos and watched them all, which we can't emphasize enough. Congratulations Brenda for being RR Strong!

  • Doug Mullins

    Doug has experienced the secret of enjoyable living through the Roger Raglin Diet Plan. Being overweight is like living in bondage and only those who have experienced it, can relate to it. Doug broke those bands of bondage by watching ALL the videos, drinking lots of water and following the shopp...